Fortify User Groups 

These virtual events give your the opportunity to meet other Fortify users and learn how other customers are using Fortify. Find out the hidden tricks and tips, and hear about the latest product updates from our Fortify experts. 

Past Webinars

  • Fortify Product update: news, releases and roadmap
  • Introduction and Deep-Dive to Custom Rules with Fortify SCA: Fortify SCA allows customers to create custom static analysis rules to discover different types of security vulnerabilities what are not yet covered by the default rules that come with the product. Despite custom rules being one of the major features of Fortify, not many customers create their own custom rules, usually due to a lack of knowledge on how to do so. With this user group meeting, I would like to take the opportunity to provide people with a primer on the several analyzers built-in to Fortify and how to write custom rules for those analyzers to look for issues or to enforce certain coding standards.

  • Technical Demo:  This will be a live demonstration of how to create custom rules for Foritfy SCA. You’ll see firsthand what the rule creation workflow and management of those rules, will look like.


  • Michael Snowden, Micro Focus, Fortify AppSec Engineer
  • AppSec Industry Trends, presented by Martin Knobloch, our Global AppSec Strategist. We are used to use static, dynamic, interactive and runtime application security tooling to increase security in software development for almost 20 years now. What have we achieved? Most definitely with the uprising of Agile, DevOps and CI/CD, how does this align with security or have we lost the cause? Are the security champions the Calvary changing the stakes or will the shift-left movement be the game-changer? 
  • Product Roadmap Find out about the latest news, releases, and roadmap.

  • Technical Demo: Fortify ScanCentral DAST is the replacement for WebInspect Enterprise that brings the same dynamic application scanning capabilities that you already know and love with WebInspect standalone, and brings it to Fortify SSC where all your security testers can centrally run scans and collaborate over results. If you have a need to centrally manage dynamic scan requests, containerize your scanning environment, and/or massively distribute scan loads, please some and see how Fortify ScanCentral DAST can address these problems.


  • Michael Snowden, Micro Focus, Fortify AppSec Engineer
  • Martin Knobloch, Micro Focus, Global AppSec Strategist


  • Customer story: Hear from Steve, Senior Application Security Manager in a large Australian Bank with over 15 years’ experience using Fortify share his AppSec journey. Learn about the good, and the not so good, first hand from him.
  • Technical demo: Learn about how Sonatype performs Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to detect vulnerabilities in open source software components used within the applications your developers create.
  • Fortify Product update: Find out about the latest news, releases, and roadmap.


  • Stephen Kho, Micro Focus, Fortify Customer Success Manager
  • Michael Snowden, Micro Focus, Fortify AppSec Engineer


  • Fortify Product update - news, releases and roadmap 
  • Customer story - Hear from a Fortify user in a large Australian financial institue share their Application Security journey. Learn about the good, [the not so good] first hand from this user.
  • Industry trends - Listen to the Fortify Chief Strategist share the current industry trends in application security technology across languages as well as development and platform deployment frameworks.
  • Technical demo - Learn about how Sonatype performs Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to detect vulnerabilities in open source software components used within the applications your developers create.


  • Stephen Kho, Micro Focus, Fortify Customer Success Manager
  • Michael Snowden, Micro Focus, Fortify AppSec Engineer