Have a question? We will try our best to answer it! See some frequently asked questions below:


Q: How do I register for Universe?
A: Click here and select your region to register for Universe.

Q: How can I schedule a 1:1 meeting with someone from Micro Focus?
A: Click here to visit the meeting center, there you can select your area of interest and book time with a Micro Focus expert or executive.

Q: I only have a quick question, is there someone I can meet with for a 5 min. discussion?
A: We have booth staff available to chat via Zoom during select hours in the Premium Support, Business Support & Education, and Professional Services exhibitor booths.

Q: How can I gain points during universe to win Micro Focus Flexible Credits?
A: In your attendee hub, select the Game tab and opt in to start playing! *Terms & Conditions apply

Q: It was great visiting the Premium Support hub, but how do I get back to Universe?
If you've come here from Universe, just switch back to the Universe tab in your browser. Otherwise, you can click here to return to Universe, you may have to login again with your event username and password.