

15:00 Kick off and scene setting

John Morrow, AMC & ISV Customer Director, Nordics, NL & South Africa, Micro Focus addresses business owners with Net Express, Server Express and OCDS and developers working with Micro Focus COBOL applications.

When the present is uncertain, it helps to make future-focused plans. The long-term product roadmap provides that clarity and explains how incremental, strategic application modernization points the way to digital transformation.

This gradual change ensures developers get the best of both worlds by using the new IDE with their preferred environments, familiar command lines, or editors such a Vi or Notepad++


15:30 Presentation and Live Demo

Alwyn Royall, COBOL Technical Specialist for Micro Focus, walks us through how Visual COBOL underpins the development activities supporting that future innovation, whatever your choice of IDE.


15:45 Q&A

Our experts are on hand to answer your questions throughout the session, and we have set aside a full 15 minutes to help with your queries.


16:00 Close